At this point you should have Flix installed into your Thinkific site. If not head over to the install guide and make sure it is installed.
Setup Steps
Step 1: Course Review - Flix uses categories to quickly create a set of learning tracks on the Flix dashboard
ACTION: Place your courses into site categories
Step 2: Create a Product index - Flix uses a product index to know what tracks to place your courses into. We will also use this product index in the future to create "smart tracks".
ACTION: Create a custom page and add the Product index section from Flix. After a few moments it will create a product index snippet. Copy the product index that is shown on the page. You will need it in the next step
Step 3: Setting up the dashboard - this is where you will change the way your student dashboard looks by adding category tracks.
ACTION: Add Dashboard Hide section - This will hide the default dashboard.
ACTION: Add Auto Resume or Auto Suggest section
ACTION: Add a Category Track section and paste the Product Index snippet into the product index setting
Step 4: Add some style -select a pre-built style like Disney Plus, Netfix, Hulu or setup your own color theme using Light or dark styles.
ACTION: Add a Style & Settings section to apply a color scheme
Step 5 (Optional): Change the categories that are shown by unchecking the auto generate option and then manually add a category for each category you want shown.
Adding a Community Track