By default, the SPT section will inherit the default padding and container size from the main Site Page Templates section that you added to the page.
If you would like to over-ride any of these settings than you can update the Section settings group
Changing the Section Padding
Sometimes you may want some sections that are next to each other to "blend more together". Maybe you have a certain color change and want the sections to be more seamless, then you would want to eliminate the bottom padding on the top section, etc
You can change the padding for both Top & Bottom for both Mobile and Desktop sizes.
Be sure to just enter a number to indicate pixels (px). For example: 0
Changing the Container Size
The container size determines how wide the content can stretch side to side. Someime you may want to shrink the container on some sections because you want to show text in a more narrow view.
You can change the container sizes for common size devices small (mobile), medium (tablet), etc..