Modules Sections

Use these to describe what's in your course or membership

15 articles
Modules 01 - Tabbed ContentThis module section shows the modules in a tabbed area
Modules 02 - Big Image & SliderThis module section has a static image on the left and a slider to show all of the modules
Modules 03 - 4 Column Hover CardsThis module section places the modules in 4 columns and has a hover effect
Modules 04 - 3 Column Overlay CardsThis module section places the modules in 3 columns and overlays the text on top of a background image
Modules 05 - 4 Column Hide & Seek CardsThis module section places the modules in 4 columns and upon hover will reveal an image
Modules 06 - 4 Column Cards With Circle ImageThis module section places the modules in 4 columns with a circle image and hover animation
Modules 07 - 3 Column Tall Hover CardsThis module section places the modules in 3 columns with tall background image. Upon hover the module headings will be revealed
Modules 08 - Slider Hover CardsThis module section will place the modules in a slider track
Module 09 - 4 Column Tall Zoom CardsThis module section has 4 columns of tall cards with a background image. Upon hover, the image will zoom in.
Modules 10 - 3 Column Cards Summary HoverThis module section will show the modules in 3 columns and show a summary on hover
Modules 11 - 4 Column Tall Animated CardsThis module section will place the modules in 4 columns with tall cards. On hover, the text will slide up
Modules 12 - 3 Column CardsThis module section will place the modules in 3 columns and reveal information on hover
Modules 13 - Large SliderThis module section will place the modules in a slider track with a large background image
Modules 14 - 3 Column Hover CardsThis module section will place the modules in 3 columns and show the subheading on hover
Modules 15 - Module OutlineThis module section shows the modules in a timeline view and has detailed expandable summaries