Inside of all of our Site Page Templates we have a setting group that allows you to have what we call a "Pre-Heading". This would be used for some text (and optionally an icon) that would display before the main heading text.
"Limited Time Offer Unlocked"
"Module 1"
"Bonus 1"
"Value $199"
None - nothing will be displayed
Pill - the Preheading text will be displayed in a "pill shape" background
Rounded - the Preheading text will be displayed with a background that has rounded corners
Square - the Preheading text will be displayed with a background that has square corners
Just Text - - the Preheading text will be displayed with no background
This setting controls what text will appear in the Preheading area. Keep it short and simple
You can also include an icon along with the Preheading text. For example if the text said "Limited Time Offer Unlocked", then I would want to use a unlocked padlock icon. Using icons can increase readability and also stop the scroll.
Icon Location: None, Left of text, Right of text
Icon code: Copy and paste a Font Awesome icon code. Be sure the FA specific library is enabled in the Site Page Templates section settings.
Icon Color : you can choose a different color for the icon so it stands out
You can control the colors of the Preheading text and background. Note the background color will not be used if the "Just text" setting is selected.
The shadow setting controls how much of a shadow and style of shadow that is used. Select from None to seven different styles. Some are more subtle than others and can be effected by the color of the section/page background.
The Size setting allows you to change the size of the text on Desktop and Mobile. You can use the drop down to select preset sizes or you can also provide your own custom size: example: 21px
This setting allows you to change how bold the text will be.
Padding below preheading
This setting will control how much padding is placed below the Preheading.