Lot's of times after you add a Section to your Site Page, you might most likely rename it. And even if you did not rename it, it may not be obvious to you where it came from (especially if you have the PowerUp Pass).
How to locate the PowerUp that is responsible for the section
When viewing a section inside of Site Builder, if you hover over the "plug" icon, it will show the the name of the PowerUp.
In the example above, you can see that the section called "Member Banner" is actually renamed, but when I hover over the icon on the right it tells me that it is coming from the "Text and Media SPT Collection"
In our Site Page Template sections we also show you the Section name in the description area when you click into the Section. In the example below, you see that this section is the "Text & Bullet List & Mega Media Banner". So now, you can search for that section if you want to add it again. Of course, you can also use the standard Section Copy feature to duplicate it as well.