There are a few ways to remove PowerUps from your site experience depending on what you are trying to do> There are also some specific instructions for certain PowerUps that require different steps for removal.
Removing PowerUps from your Site Pages
Many of our PowerUps like Sections Kit, Flix, Sidenav, Resource Library, Site Page Templates and any others that have been added to one of your Site Pages using Thinkific's Site Builder can simply be removed by deleting the section that you added to the page.
TIP: If you want to not lose any of the content, you can use the built in Section Copy feature and copy the section over to a private custom page before deleting from the current page.
1. Locate the section by hovering over the "plug icon"
2. Click into the section and then click the "Delete Section" link
3. Save the page when all of the sections have been removed
Removing Course Player Powerups
Some of our PowerUps effect the course player and this requires some specific steps for removal
PlayerSnips: you will need to remove all snips from the code view of each lesson where you added a PlayerSnip
plaYEAH: remove all code you may have added to the Site Footer Code settings
Timecodes: uninstall the Timecode app from the integrations tab as described below. Your timecodes text can remain in place, but they will no longer be clickable
Player [+]: uninstall the Player [+] app from the integrations tab as described below.
Text Effects: remove all code you may have added to the Site Footer Code settings
Uninstalling PowerUp Apps
WARNING: When you uninstall a PowerUp from the Integrations tab of your Thinkific site, it will instantly remove all content and sections that have been added to your site pages or course experience. It is not recoverable. If you purchased the PowerUp individually then you can reinstall it to your site, but none of your existing site page content will be in place. If you installed the PowerUp using a PowerUp Pass you can only reinstall it, if you have an active PowerUp Pass.
Open the Integrations section of your website and find the PowerUp that you wish to remove
Click on the red trash can icon and follow the instructions for choosing an ininstall reason before clicking the "Yes, Uninstall" red button