Step 1: Activate the Resource Library Helper App
In this step we will activate this helper tool inside one of your courses
As a Site Admin open the course curriculum and add a Text lesson in draft mode
Copy the following code to your clipboard
<style>.button-5{align-items: center; background-clip: padding-box; background-color: #FF0089; border: 1px solid transparent; border-radius: .25rem; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02) 0 1px 3px 0; box-sizing: border-box; color: #fff; cursor: pointer; display: inline-flex; font-family: system-ui,-apple-system,system-ui,"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; justify-content: center; line-height: 1.25; margin: 0; min-height: 3rem; padding: calc(.875rem - 1px) calc(1.5rem - 1px); position: relative; text-decoration: none; transition: all 250ms; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; touch-action: manipulation; vertical-align: baseline; width: auto;}.button-5:hover,.button-5:focus{background-color: #FF0078; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 0 4px 12px;}.button-5:hover{transform: translateY(-1px);}.button-5:active{background-color: #c85000; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, .06) 0 2px 4px; transform: translateY(0);}</style><h1> <strong>Welcome to the Resource Library π₯ PowerUp Export Tool</h1></strong></h1><p> This tool is to be used with the Resource Library PowerUp so that you can easily export a list of download resources that you have included in this course. <span style="color:#FF0089">Keep this lesson in DRAFT mode so that students do not see it</span></p><p><button class="button-5" onclick="var f=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0],j=document.createElement('script'); j.async=true; j.src=''; f.parentNode.insertBefore(j, f); j.addEventListener('load', function(){console.log('Player export tool enabled');});">Activate The Resource Library Export Tool</button></p><p> <b>How this works:</b> <ul> <li>Open this lesson in "Preview mode" and then...</li><li>Click the button above to begin the export process</li><li>Each lesson will be automatically loaded to check for downloads inside of a Download Lesson type</li><li>When downloads are detected, the scan will pause and you will be prompted to add categories to the downloads in that lesson </li><li>When the scan is completed, you will see a final popup message and your CSV file will be automatically downloaded</li><li>After the CSV file is generated, you should then proceed to <a href='' target='_blank'>complete the import process by following the remaining instructions.</a></li></ul></p>
Inside the Text Lesson go into Code View by clicking the code button < > in the tool bar
Paste the code you just copied
Close code view by clicking it again
Save the lesson
Now preview the lesson by clicking on Preview / Current Lesson
When the lesson loads, click the Activate Resource Library Export Tool button
Follow along with the prompts.
Each lesson will be automatically loaded to check for downloads inside of a Download Lesson type. When downloads are detected, the scan will pause and you will be prompted to add categories to the downloads in that lesson. When the scan is completed, you will see a final popup message and your CSV file will be automatically downloaded.
Step 2: Import and edit the CSV file in Google Sheets
When you input the CSV file into Google Sheets, you will be able to provide a description for each item as well as a link to an image
Open a new Google Sheets.
Click File Import
Select the CSV file that was downloaded from the previous step
Choose "Insert a new sheet"
After the CSV file is imported you will see 5 columns that you can edit.
name: This is the heading for the resource that will be shown in the library page. We default to the name of the download you provided within the course player
description: This will be used for the description of the resource. It is recommended to provide a short description so your students know what it is
categories: If you provided categories during the export process, they will be shown here. if not, you can manually edit this cell by typing in category names separated by a "pipe" symbol "|"
linkUrl: This is the actual download link - do not change this
imageUrl: You can optionally provide an image url that will represent the image
Do not put multiple line text within a cell otherwise your information will not be imported correctly.
Do not remove or change the headings (first row) of the CSV file otherwise your information will not be imported correctly.
Step 3: Export the CSV file from Google Sheets and open in a text editor
Save the Google Sheet as a CSV file, then open it using a basic text editor. Select all of the text and copy it to the Clipboard
While viewing the file inside of Google Sheets, click File, Download, Comma Seperated value (.csv)
You will then see a new CSV file, this is the final version we will use inside of the Resource Library page on the next step
Step 4: Paste the CSV contents into Resource Library
Open the file you just downloaded from Google sheets using a simple text editor
Mac: Right Click - Open With: Textedit
Windows: Open with Notepad
Copy all of the text inside the file to your clipboard CMD-A / CTRL-A
Go back to your Resource Library Site Page on your Thinkific site and Add a Resource Import (Downloads) section to the page
Open the CSV settings group and paste in the CSV content that you just copied to your clipboard. You should then see the resources appear in the library
Step 5: Provide Access and Search Settings
Now that you have the resources appearing in your library page, you may want to add some other settings to this group like access control and search keywords.
Configure the access level for the resource
Type of Access Restriction -
No restriction - always allow : this will always show the resource and it will be accessible to anyone (no login required)
Tease - show but restrict access : this will show the resource always but only allow if the logged in user has access to it based on the product enrollment status options
Restricted - show only if have access : this will only show the resource to the logged in user has access to it based on the product enrollment status options
If Tease or Restricted, then choose up tp three products to check for enrollment status in the Allow access when enrolled in settings. These could be a course, a bundle or a community. If the user is enrolled in any of these products, then they will be granted access
Choose what you would like the action to be if the resource is set to "Tease" and the user does not have access
Change Link - this will change the link of the resource (for example to an upsell page)
Set the Upgrade link setting to a page
Resource Upgrade Popup - this will open a popup with the settings provided for this resource
Provide the details for Resource Popup Heading, Resource Popup Sub Heading and Resource Popup Button Text. The Upgrade Link setting will also be used
Library Upgrade Popup - this will open a popup with the settings provided in the Resource Library Page
Provide a list of keywords that will aid the search algorithm. The keywords have a larger "weighting" than other text found in the heading, subheading and categories
Repeat this process for the remaining resources you have
You can repeat this process for other courses or groupings of resources