Popup (03) Emoji Notification or CTA Popup
Updated over a week ago

This popup is a fun popup that can be used for a quick notification or linked to a page for a call to action. The popup can also auto hide so that it is not getting in the way.

Use cases

  • Send a quick reminder on the student dashboard "Don't forget, we are going live today @ 1 EST"

  • Reward a member who completed a certain course with a gift or coupon

  • Create a fun sticky cta on your course page that will appear after the user has scroll down past the initial CTA

πŸ’₯ PRO TIP: Use our SPT Personalization feature to add the users name into the popup. Also using our Animated Emoji Text Effects superpower will add an additional punch to this popup.

Emoji and Text

Use these settings to add the emoji and text that you wish to use in the popup

Call to Action

If you want the popup to be clickable, then you will need to enable the call to action settings and set the CTA Page setting


This setting group will determine where the popup is shown, and if you would like it to auto hide after a certain number of seconds.

Colors and Style

This setting group will determine the colors being used in the popup as well as the shape.

Other Settings

All of our SPT Popup sections include the following settings groups. Please be sure to read the associated guides for how to use these setting.

This setting group controls when the popup will be opened. Depending on the use case you may want to the popup under different conditions

This setting group is common across all of our Site Page Templates sections. We like to call this our "Smart Sections" feature that allows you to hyper target certain types of used based on a variety of conditions.

Using a sound effect for certain use cases may be a good idea to get the users attention. The sound will play when the popup opens depending on the settings mentioned above.

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