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FAQ's for Resource Library
Updated over a month ago

How does the ordering of resources work?

When you add a Resource Library type (section) to the page, it will add all of the items in that resource type. So for example, if you are using Resource Library on the "All Products" page and you first add the "Products Resources" section to the page, it will show all of your products in the order you have specified in the "reorder" tab. If you then add a "Bundle resources" section to the page, it will add the courses from that bundle next.

How do I use Resource Library on the Student Dashboard page?

Using Resource Library on the student dashboard page allows you to create a unique member experience where you can mis quick and easy consumable content with your courses. This will help your students find what they are looking for more quickly and will increase your content consumption. A great recipe for membership or subscription based products.


How do a link directly to a category or search phrase?

By adding a url parameter(s) to your page link, you can get the Resource Library to have categories pre-checked and a search phrase entered. This can help you directly link to filtered content

Directly linking to one category:

Directly linking to multiple category (seperate by a comma): Name,Second Category

Directly linking to a search phrase:

Directly linking to a combination of search phrase and multiple categories Phrase&c=Category Name,Second Category

Replace the link with your page url and also replace the actual category names and search phrases with your specific details.

How do I get the entire card clickable?

Add the following code to the 'Site Page templates" section inside the "Advanced" setting or to a Swiss Embed section.

$(document).ready(function () {
// Listen for the custom event 'kapow_rl_updated_counts'
window.addEventListener('kapow_rl_updated_counts', function () {
console.log('kapow_rl_updated_counts event detected');

// Attach a click event listener to all elements with the class `.card-content`
$('.card-content').on('click', function () {
// Find the closest `.card-container` and then the `.card-heading a` within it
const cardHeadingLink = $(this).closest('.card-container').find('.card-heading a');

// Trigger a click event on the corresponding link
if (cardHeadingLink.length) {


How do I get my cards to line up?

  • Make sure you have all of your product images and resource card images are the same size (typically 760-420) - This is the most common problem we see (and could cause slowness of page loading when you are using ginormous sizes

  • Try to have the same-ish length of heading and descriptions (or at kleast the same number of lines)

  • Use the Max lines of content setting to control how many lines of description are shown

  • Use the Min height of content to normalize how much space each card will take up for the content area.

How does the search work?

  1. For all Resource Types we search the following fields (and prioritize the results in the following order)

    • Keywords: For each Resource Type you can enter keywords. For Product Resources we do not currently have a away of assigning keywords (yet)

    • Heading

    • Description

    • Categories

  2. Adjust the Search Matching Threshold setting inside of ythe Resource Library section settings

    • This effects how many matches are counted as a 'hit'. Drag to the right to be more 'loose' with matching. Drag to the left to be more strict.

Why are there squares or missing icons in the category filter menu?

There is supposed to be an icon that indicates that the area is an expand and collapse section. For some reason there may be other elements on the page that is conflicting with the Font Awesome version that ships with the Resource Library. To fix this add the following code to an Embed section on the page or inside of your Site Footer Settings.

.kapow-spa .fa-classic, .kapow-spa .fa-light, .kapow-spa .fa-regular,.kapow-spa .fa-solid,.kapow-spa .fa-thin,.kapow-spa .fal, .kapow-spa .far, .kapow-spa .fas,.kapow-spa .fat {
font-family: "Font Awesome 6 Pro";

.kapow-spa .fa-brands,.kapow-spa .fab {
font-family: "Font Awesome 6 Brands";

.kapow-spa .fa-classic.fa-duotone,.kapow-spa .fa-duotone,.fad {
font-family: "Font Awesome 6 Duotone";

.kapow-spa .fa-sharp, .kapow-spa .fasl,.fasr, .kapow-spa .fass {
font-family: "Font Awesome 6 Sharp";


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