To use the Resource Library PowerUp, you will be placing it on a custom page within your Thinkific site. You can use the built in Thinkific page security features to control access to the page and/or use the built in features within the Resource Library PowerUp to control access to individual resources.
Step 1: Add the Resource Library to a custom page
The Resource Library section controls how the page looks and functions. Follow these basic steps and then explore more settings later on to control the style and options
Create or open a new Custom Page on your site
Remove default sections that may be included and add the Resource Page section
Update the Categories settings to define your category groupings
Start a new grouping by typing in the name without an asterisk
Put a category under each group by starting the heading with an asterisk. The names of the categories should match names that you assign to the individual resource
Step 2: Add Resources
Each resource will be defined in its own section. It will then be automatically added to the main library. Inside of the Resource section you will find settings to define its content and access options.
Adding single resources (Simple Mode)
In the case where you have a limited number of resources and managing them via Site Pages is suitable, you would want to use this method. It provides the best way to add rich information for each individual resource
Add individual resources by adding a Resource Type section to the page. (ex: Download, Page, Video)
Open the section settings for the resource type section that you just added and provide the information that will be used to control the content and access levels.
Rename the section so that it is easier for future updating
Repeat this process for the remaining resources you have
Importing multiple resources (Advanced Mode)
In the case where you may have many resources, then managing them via Site Pages may not be the quickest and easiest method (you can certainly do it if you want to), but we recommend using our CSV import methods instead
If you have many download resources inside of a course, then you can use our Resource Library Export Tool. This is a more advanced technique and you may still need to provide some extra information (like descriptions and images) but will drastically cut down the time it takes to create and maintain a large resource library.